Curtin, C., Hyman, S.L., Boas, D., Hassink, S., Broder-Fingert, S., Ptomey, L.T., Dryer, M., Fleming, R.K., Bandini, L.G. (In press) Weight management in primary care for children with autism: review and expert recommendations, Pediatrics (supplement)
Folta, S. C., Curtin, C., Must, A., Pehrson, A., Ryan, K., & Bandini, L. (2020). Impact of Selective Eating on Social Domains Among Transition-Age Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-11.
Amo‐Setién F, Abajas‐Bustillo R, Sarabia‐Cobo C, Parás‐Bravo P, Leal‐Costa C, Redondo‐Figuero C, Bandini L. (2019) Prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity among Spanish students attending special education schools. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. doi: 10.1111/jar.12679. [Epub ahead of print]
Walls, M., Curtin, C., Phillips, S., Eliasziw, M., Jackel, C., Must, A., Bandini, L. Broder-Fingert, S. Developmental and behavioral pediatricians’ diagnosis and management of overweight and obesity in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Maslin, M., Bandini, L.G. (In Press) Does physical activity differ between youth with and without intellectual disabilities? Disability and Health Journal
Bandini, L. G., Curtin, C., Eliasziw, M., Phillips, S., Jay, L., Maslin, M., & Must, A. (2019). Food selectivity in a diverse sample of young children with and without intellectual disabilities. Appetite. Feb 1;133:433-440.
Tybor, D., Eliasziw M, Kral TV, Segal M, Sherwood NE, Sikich L, Stanish H, Bandini, LG; Curtin C, Must A. (2019) Parental concern regarding obesity in children with autism spectrum disorder in the United States: National Survey of Children’s Health. Disability and Health Journal,12 (1); 126-130
Chistol, L. T., Bandini, L. G., Must, A., Phillips, S., Cermak, S. A., & Curtin, C. (2017). Sensory sensitivity and food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder. JADD, 1-9.
Weems, M., Truex. L., Scampini, R., Fleming, R.K., Curtin, C., Bandini L.G. (2017) A novel weight loss tool for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(10): 1503-1508.
Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M., Bandini, L.G. (2017) Physical activity levels, frequency, and type among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(3), 785-794.
Bandini, L.G. Curtin, C. Phillips, S., Anderson, S.E., Maslin, M., Must, A. (2017) Changes in food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 47(2), 439-446
Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Bandini, L.G. (2017) The Healthy Weight Research Network: a research agenda to promote healthy weight among youth with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities, Pediatric Obesity, 12(1), e6-e9.
Must, A., Eliasziw, M., Phillips, S., Curtin, C., Kral, T., Segal, M., Sherwood, N. Sikich, L., Stanish, H., Bandini, L.G. (2017) The effect of age on the prevalence of obesity among US youth with autism spectrum disorder. Childhood Obesity, 13(1), 25-35.
Segal, M., Eliasziw, M., Bandini, L.G., Curtin, C., Kral, T., Sherwood, T., Sikich, L., Stanish, H.I., Must, A. (2016) Intellectual disability is associated with increased risk for obesity in a nationally representative sample of U.S. children, Disability and Health Journal. 9(3), 392-398.
Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Enjoyment, barriers, and beliefs about physical activity among adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. 32(4)
Curtin, C. Hubbard, K., Anderson, S.E., E. Mick, A. Must, L.G. Bandini (2015) Food Selectivity, mealtime behavior problems, spousal stress, and family food choices in children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45(10): 3308-3315.
Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Must, A., Phillips, S. Maslin, M.C.T., Lo, C., Gleason, J.M., Fleming, R.K., Stanish, H.I. (2015) Including youth with intellectual disabilities in health promotion research: development and reliability of a structured interview to assess the correlates of physical activity among youth. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1111/jar.12205
Bandini, L., Danielson, M., Esposito, L.E., Foley, J.T., Fox, M.H., Frey, G.C., Fleming, R.K., Krahn, G., Must, A., Porretta, D.L., Rodgers, A.B., Stanish, H., Urv, T., Vogel, L.C., & Humphries, K. (2015). Obesity in children with developmental and/or physical disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 8(3), 309-16. doi: 10.1016
Stanish, H.I., Curtin, C., Must, A., Phillips, S., Maslin, M.C.T., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Physical activity enjoyment, perceived barriers, and beliefs among adolescents with and without intellectual disabilities, Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 13(1)
Must, A., Phillips, S., Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G. (2015) Barriers to physical activity in children with autism spectrum disorders: relationship to physical activity and screen time. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 12(4):529-534
Hubbard, K., Anderson, S.E., Curtin, C., Must, A., Bandini, L.G. (2014) A comparison of food refusal related to characteristics of food in children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(12): 1981-87
Curtin, C., Jojic, M., Bandini, L.G. (2014) Obesity in children with autism spectrum disorders, Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 22(2): 93-103.
Must, M., Curtin, C., Hubbard, K., Sikich, L. Bedford, J., Bandini, L.G. (2014) Obesity prevention for children with developmental disabilities. Current Obesity Reports, 3:156-170
Fleming, R.K., Curtin, C., Gray, C., Hamad, C. (2014) Discovering behavioral intervention: a parent’s interactive guide to ABA, Current Issues in eLearning Education , 1(1): 7-20
Must, A., Phillips, S.M., Curtin, C., Anderson, S.W., Maslin, M., Lividini, K. Bandini, L.G. (2013) Comparison of sedentary behaviors between children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. Autism. eprint ahead of publication DOI 0.1177/1362361313479039
Bandini LG, Fleming RK, Scampini R, Gleason J, Must A. (2013) Is body mass index a useful measure of excess body fatness in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities Research ;57:1050-7.
Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Must, A., et al. (2013) Parent support improves weight loss in adolescents and young adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 163(5): 1402-1408
Curtin, C., Mick, E., Pagoto, S. (2013) The association between ADHD and eating disorders/pathology in adolescents: a systematic review. Open Journal of Epidemiology, 3(4): 193-202.
Bandini, L., Gleason, J., Curtin, C. Lividini, K., Anderson, S., Cermak, S., Maslin, M., Must, A. (2013) Comparison of physical activity between children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice,17(1):44-54
Byrd, H.C.M., Curtin, C., Anderson, S.E. (2013). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obesity in US males and females, age 8–15 years: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001–2004. Pediatric Obesity, 8(6):445-453.
Pagoto, S.L., Curtin, C. Appelhans, B.M., Alonso-Alonso, M. (2012) Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the clinical management of obesity. Current Obesity Reports, DOI 10.1007/s13679-012-0012-0
Anderson, S.E., Must, A., Curtin, C., & Bandini, L.G. (2012). Meals In Our Household: reliability and initial validation of a questionnaire to assess child mealtime behaviors and family mealtime environments. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 112(2): 276-284.
Evans, E.W., Must, A., Anderson, S.E., Curtin, C., Scampini, R., Maslin, M. & Bandini, L.G. (2011) Dietary patterns and body mass index in children with autism and typically developing children. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(1): 399-405.
Bandini, L.G., Anderson, S.E., Curtin, C., Cermak, S., Evans, E.W., Scampini, R., Maslin, M., Must, A. (2010). Food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. Journal of Pediatrics, 157(2): 259-264
Curtin, C., Anderson, S.E., Must, A., Bandini, L.G. (2010). The prevalence of obesity in children with autism: a secondary data analysis using nationally representative data from the National Survey of Children’s Health. BMC Pediatrics. 10:11 doi:10.1186/1471-2431-10-11
Pagoto, S.L. Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Anderson, S.E. et al. (2010). Weight loss following a clinic-based weight loss program among adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. Eating and Weight Disorders, 15(3): e166-72
Cermak, S.A., Curtin, C. & Bandini, L.G. (2010). Food selectivity and sensory sensitivity in children with autism spectrum disorders, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(2): 238-246
Pagoto, S., Curtin, C., Lemon, S., Bandini, L.G., Bodenlos, J.S. et al. (2009) Association between adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obesity in the US population. Obesity, 17(3): 539–544.
Fleming, R.K., Stokes, E.A., Curtin, C., Bandini, L.B., Gleason, J., Scampini, R., Maslin, M.C.T., & Hamad, C. (2008). Behavioral health in developmental disabilities: A comprehensive program of nutrition, exercise and weight reduction. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 4(3), 287-296.
Curtin, C., Bandini, L.G., Perrin, E.C., Tybor, D.J., Must, A. (2005) Prevalence of overweight in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders: a chart review. BMC Pediatrics, 21; 5:48.
Bandini, L., Curtin, C., Hamad, C., Tybor, D.J., & Must, A. (2005) Prevalence of overweight in children with developmental disorders in the continuous National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2002. Journal of Pediatrics, 146(6), 738-43.