As the sibling of someone with a disability, where can I find support?

I have a child with mental health needs. What resources are available for his/her siblings?

I am responsible for caring for my adult brother/sister with traumatic brain injury. Where can I find support?

I work with families of people with disabilities. Where can I learn more about the impact of disability on family members?

Siblings of individuals with disabilities face unique challenges, and the sibling experience tends to change over time as siblings age. Young siblings often feel confused when a brother/sister with a disability is held to a different set of expectations, and adult siblings can feel overwhelmed when they transition into caregiving roles. At the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, we provide support to siblings and other family members of those with disabilities in a variety of ways.

The “Sibling Support Program: A Family-Centered Mental Health Initiative,” is the Shriver Center’s signature sibling support program. This clinic-based program aims to build resiliency and decrease trauma among siblings of youth with mental health needs, as well as build competency and confidence among caregivers, and build capacity among clinicians that practice family-centered mental health care. The program has been recognized by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. An overview of the Sibling Support Program: A Family-Centered Mental Health Initiative can be found here: Download program details (pdf). Click here for information on the impact of a child’s mental health issues on siblings.

We provide sibling support for individuals and families in addition to organizations.

Virtual Sibling and Family Support Program Intended for siblings of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Disabilities, and/or Mental Health Issues.

Special podcast! All in the family with Emily Rubin: a chat about supporting families of children with mental health challenges.

Individuals and families seeking sibling support can contact Emily Rubin, LCSW and Director of Sibling Support at Emily also serves as the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Sibling Support Network (MSSN), a nonprofit organization that provides information and referral for siblings and other family members. Additionally, the MSSN provides technical assistance to agencies interested in developing sibling support services. For information, visit

Organizations interested in obtaining sibling support services through the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health should contact Organizations can also access sibling support programming through the Massachusetts Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Technical Assistance Marketplace (MA DSRIP TA Marketplace), a one-stop shop for MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Community Partners (CPs), and Community Service Agencies (CSAs):

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