Mortality Review

CDDER works with state, public and private agencies to develop internal systems for identifying and monitoring risk. We support agencies with mortality analysis and with incident data review to support quality management systems. The goal is to improve the quality of supports offered by our client agencies by learning from and responding to patterns and trends in mortality in the population they serve.

Our expert staff of researchers, statisticians and clinicians has the experience necessary to design tailored mortality reporting systems, analyze mortality and incident data, and develop and disseminate mortality reports with national benchmarks.

Services include

  • Design of Mortality Review Processes 
  • Support to Mortality Review Committees 
  • Analysis of Mortality & Incident Data


CDDER reviews mortality data annually for the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Reports are generated after the close of the calendar year and sufficient time for data review and analysis.  Reports will be posted to this page as they are completed. These reports open in PDF.