1-2-3 Grow!

Available in 8 Languages and Cultures

A Program about Your Child’s Development

What is 1, 2, 3, Grow?

How can I see the shows?

What are the 1, 2, 3, Grow Animated Caregiver videos and discussion guide?

How can I speak with a specialist to find Massachusetts providers if my child needs help?

How can I get free materials about early childhood development in my language?

Who contributed to the 1, 2, 3, Grow project?


What is 1, 2, 3, Grow?
“1, 2, 3, Grow!” is a TV program about early childhood development for families of young children in 8 languages and cultures available on cable television stations across Massachusetts and on YouTube.
The program hosts, physicians and parents of young children who speak on these shows represent the languages and cultures of their audiences: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Portuguese, and Vietnamese. There is also a show in English focused on African-American concerns.
Using videos and advice from pediatricians and parents, the shows share information about healthy development and signs of concerns, and share where to get free resources and referrals to local providers in Massachusetts.
How can I see the shows?
The shows can be seen on YouTube and on participating local cable stations.
1.   1, 2, 3, Grow YouTube Channel
Local cable providers throughout the state may air the show if residents of their cities and towns request them.
Please ask your local cable station to contact Elaine.Gabovitch@umassmed.edu or Joan.Rafferty@state.ma.us to request downloadable 1, 2, 3, Grow! shows for local broadcast.
We will list participating cable stations here as they sign up with us. The stations who have aired the shows to date are:

What are the 1, 2, 3, Grow Animated Caregiver videos and discussion guide?
The “1, 2, 3, Grow! Animated Caregiver Stories ” are three short videos that promote cultural sensitivity into professional practices by watching animated family stories about their diagnostic experiences. A brief Discussion Guide prompts post-viewing training and group reflection.

How can I speak with a specialist to find Massachusetts providers if my child needs help?
Contact Family TIES of Massachusetts at 1-800-905-TIES (8437).
They will connect you to family support specialists who can refer you to providers in Massachusetts.
How can I get free materials about early childhood development in my language?
Download any of the free early childhood materials in the languages below for printing.

Tracking Milestones brochures

thumbnail example of CDC child development milestones

Milestones Checklists
For more information
Visit, the CDC “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” campaign to get more information and resources.
Visit the Massachusetts Act Early campaign to get more information and resources.
Thank you to our funders
The 1, 2, 3, Grow! project was funded through a Developmental Monitoring in State Systems grant awarded by the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) and was supported by the CDC “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program.
Who contributed to the 1, 2, 3, Grow project?